Twisted Tales

'Twisted Tales' explores the loss of innocence with adulthood through an unsettling reinvention of childhood figures and their stories.

Gaffa Gallery and Rooftop

Join us in the gallery on Thursday the 4th of April between 6-8 PM as we open Lihnida's second solo show Twisted Tales.

Artist Statement

Twisted Tales explores the loss of innocence with adulthood through an unsettling reinvention of childhood figures and their stories. My work is immersed in the visual language of children’s cartoons and fantasy creatures, investigating the characteristics that can simultaneously make these creatures so endearing and engaging, yet also unnatural and unsettling.

My ceramic forms are built from the ground up, in response to the material I am using, with each extension upon this base, being guided by an initial mental image. Constructing the form until a certain fantastical appearance is achieved. Merging disciplines, through the exploration of textiles and metal has allowed me to create an immersive experience which gradually lures people into the scene through nostalgic and associative elements.

Offering people a glimpse into my childhood and allowing them to draw parallels between the characters I create and those familiar from their own childhood experiences. At first, the works appear playful and humorous, but lingering undertones of uneasiness are conveyed through facial expressions or positions of the body.

Artist Bio - Gaffa Studio Workshop Residency Winner

Being selected for the summer residency at Gaffa provided me with the opportunity to expand my artistic horizons through experimentation with various materials, methodologies, and techniques. I was able to gain access to space, advanced facilities, and equipment, as well as guidance and company from a remarkable community. I underwent significant artistic growth during my time at Gaffa, acquiring valuable insights and cultivating new concepts, laying the groundwork for development in my artistic career. The chance to work across diverse disciplines and gain a deeper appreciation for how metalwork and jewellery can enhance my practice has been a truly valuable experience.


Lihnida Krstanoska-Blazeska

Resident Winner, Summer 2024

"..I underwent significant artistic growth during my time at Gaffa, acquiring valuable insights and cultivating new concepts.. The chance to work across diverse disciplines and gain a deeper appreciation for how metalwork and jewellery can enhance my practice has been a truly rewarding experience."

In recognition of Lihnida Krstanoska-Blazeska's unwavering dedication to this program, we invite you to reflect on her journey with us and to appreciate the remarkable achievements from workshops to gallery exhibitions.

September - December 2023

Gaffa Studio workshop

1. How did the Summer Residency at Gaffa influence your approach to artistic experimentation and innovation?

It allowed me to experiment with different tools and equipment which I otherwise wouldn’t have had access to. It also allowed me the time to focus on exploring metal work as a focus which is often overshadowed by my ceramics.

2. Can you describe some of the specific materials, methodologies and techniques you explored during your residency?

I worked a lot with soldering, which is something I really enjoy, and I find it quite therapeutic. I was also able to figure out new ways to combine both ceramic and metal mediums, as well as casting larger wax creatures in different metal alloys which is something I’ve always wanted to try.

3. In what ways did access to advanced facilities and equipment at Gaffa contribute to your artistic development?

It allowed me to experiment and explore more with my materials and ideas, having access to all the tools and equipment allowed me to follow through on these concepts/ ideas I had had for a while but just was never able to fully recognise.

4. How did the community at Gaffa impact your creative process and growth as an artist?

The sense of community at Gaffa was great, sharing a space with like-minded people who were always happy to help really motivated me to keep trying new things and working through my ideas/ projects. The team always had such a positive attitude and were really interested in the projects I was pursuing, they were also very thoughtful and considerate, always having the time to chat and explain things around the studio.

5. What were some of the most significant insights you gained during your time at Gaffa, and how have they influenced your practice?

One of the leading takeaways was figuring out different ways to merge my disciplines and creating metal work which reflects my ceramic and textile mediums. There are projects such as creating wax creature figures and casting them in alloys such as brass and nickel silver, as well as creating ceramic pendants wrapped in metal which I will further develop within my practice. I wouldn’t have been able to do these projects without this residency allowing me the time and space to do it. Also being able to have my first ever solo show at the gallery is something I value so much and will stay with me forever.

6. Based on your experience, what key pieces of advice would you offer to future applicants to help them make the most of this opportunity within the program?

Give it a go and apply! You never know what will happen unless you apply. Use all the facilities and resources available to you during your residency, experiment and just keep creating work. Speak to Huon, Ang and Harry, tell them what you want to do and speak to them about other projects you may have going on as well! They all have incredible knowledge in different fields so definitely chat to everyone and enjoy your time as it goes very quickly so make the most of it.

Twisted Tales

4th April - 11th May 2024

INTERVIEW: Lihnida Krstanoska-Blazeska by EXHIBITION: Twisted Tales (loc)

Release: Drive FM Arts Friday, presented by Angela Stretch

Gaffa Gallery - 27 April 2024


Gaffa Studio Workshop I Tenancy

Kindling inspiration and instilling mindfulness since 2006.

Apply Now

Gaffa’s Studio Workshop  is dedicated to the transformative power of practice. By actively shaping and honing interdisciplinary skills, our studio spaces award artists, makers, jewellers and designers alike, the necessary traction to heighten their creative endeavours.

We believe, the act of creating with our own two-hands holds immeasurable value and can bridge the gap between traditional methods and innovative techniques. Our studio workshop serves as a tranquil retreat for emerging to established creators, in pursuit of community based platforms.

Inclusivity, diversity, and community engagement are fundamental to our values as we take pride in our commitment to facilitate these opportunities to grow and celebrate a rich spectrum of cultural expression.

April 4, 2024

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